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What is product discovery?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 12, 2022

All I can find on this is marketing language. Are there any resources available to explain what this is and how it works?

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 12, 2022

Hi @David , it's basically a process used by product teams to assess opportunities and validate them with learnings - continuously, testing early and often (vs committing to ideas without data, shipping the wrong thing, and losing a whole bunch of time and money in the process). Think about it as bringing agile to product management, instead of the waterfall-style agile you can come across where product managers and designers design a solution in isolation, then send it to a dev team to implement (and the dev team uses SCRUM or Kanban to do so), only to realize that the solution isn't seen as valuable or usable by end users - something which could have been tested earlier with interviews and a prototype. 

We haven't yet published our "ways of working" to explain how we recommend teams do product discovery (it's part of what we're teasing out in the beta too!), but in the meantime I recommend the following blogs from Marty Cagan,, to get an intro to product discovery:

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