Query a date range condition in JPD project

Tomas Franco October 3, 2024


As far as I'm aware, JPD dates only support the following format:


How can I'm query issues that have a start date between a certain date range?

For instance, if I have a custom date field named: "discovery Phase" where I store Start and end of the discovery phase, and I need to query all issues that started the discovery phase during September-2024, how should my JQL look like?

Help would be must appreciated!

1 answer

2 votes
Amina Bouabdallah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2024


This is coming and not available as of today. You can do date filters relative to today, ie. dates in x months in the past. 

Hope this helps,


Tomas Franco October 7, 2024
Hi @Amina Bouabdallah , thank you for your response, could you please provide an example of a query to achieve the result you described?
I tried this without success:
JQL: project = "MyProject" AND "MyCustom_Date_Field" > -90d
Betany Riley December 19, 2024

@Amina Bouabdallah can you link the JIRA ticket for the work so we know when this is available?  

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