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Project target field to be used for column board view

June 25, 2024

Im trying to create a board with the column sets with the field "project target" however this doesnt seem feasible? Seems like a basic filed to use as column, and the most logical to create a roadmap?  
Thank you in advance for any tips/ work around 

2 answers

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 27, 2024

Hi there, you can't do that yet (it doesn't look like it but it's actually pretty complex to do! every time I open that topic again we get lost in corner cases)

I would suggest either using a quarterly timeline view or creating a select field that you can use with a board for the columns. 

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Jens Schumacher - Released_so
Community Leader
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June 26, 2024

The challenge with using the project target field as columns is the potential infinite number of options and therefore columns.

I assume that the JPD team has limited column fields to fields that generally have a smaller number of options. 

As for a workaround, I've seen teams create a custom field for target quarters and use that instead. 

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