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JPD Notification Limitations

Shelly Kitchen
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June 12, 2024

What are the current limitations of notifications in JPD?


I saw in an earlier post, which no longer accepts comments, that @ mentions in comments and insights do not trigger notifications. Is this still the case?

Additionally, do both contributors and creators receive notifications based on the same triggers?

2 answers

1 vote
Daniel Kubala June 12, 2024

What I experienced is that notifications are not being sent for customers/ unlicensed contributors other than @mentioning them. Watchers don't get any as well.

This is a feedback I got from atlassian support, which is honestly really surprising that it is not natively supported:

"Basically, current users who aren't receiving notifications only have non licensed access to your site (JSM customers and JPD contributors). They only have access to your Jira Service Management customer portal but not your site as a whole (which requires a license to any Jira product you have).
Regrettably, as of now, in order for contributors to receive email notifications (that aren't notifications created via a mention action), it is necessary for them to hold a valid Jira product license (for example a Jira Software licensed user who is set up as a JPD contributor)."

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Hermance NDounga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2024

Hello Shelly, 

@mention in comments do trigger notifications, in insights, they don't. 

Contributors receive notifications based on the same triggers IF they have another Jira license (e.g. a Jira software license) - however, contributors with no product license (the ones in the contributor group) don't receive notifications. 

We are aware this situation is confusing and that this limitation hurts collaboration in Jira Product Discovery, while this is not on our immediate roadmap, we have plans to tackle it. 

Best Regards,
Product Manager @ Jira Product Discovery

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