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JPD - Column View - Can I use it by quarters?

Simon Rimbert July 22, 2024

At my company we often use quarters rather than dates. But, I'm noticing that in the Column View (which is great to display all tickets associated to this or that), I can't use quarters because they only exists as Project start + Project target.

Does that mean there's no time-bound field that is unique (like 2024 Q1, 2024 Q2, etc) instead of start date + target date? It would be super helpful, or am I missing something?

For instance, if I want a view for all my teams (columns) per quarter (rows), is this possible at all?


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Amanda Barber
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July 22, 2024

I think your best bet is a custom field to group by with fields as you have mentioned (2024 Q1, 2024 Q2...). There is a feature request for custom fiscal years, but it's not on the roadmap yet. You can see information about that ticket (and additional threads) here:


Simon Rimbert July 22, 2024

Hi @Amanda Barber thanks a lot. That's what I was using at first but then it means I can't use the Timeline View at all, does it? Unless I use 3 fields:

- Project start + Project target (for timeline view)

- Custom Quarter field (for columns view)

this would create risk of having inconsistencies, though :(

Unless there's a solution I'm not seeing?

Amanda Barber
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July 22, 2024

Do you use Atlas to sync the project start/end dates? I could see that as a way to prevent some inconsistencies (and reduce duplicating the information in 2 places.)


Simon Rimbert July 23, 2024

Hi @Amanda Barber I'm not sure I'm following - Atlas-sian? you mean? And would that let me use both the timeline view and the column view?

Amanda Barber
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July 23, 2024 - if you weren't already using Atlas, then it's changing a bit and you can join an Early Access Program to start using Global Experiences and Atlassian Home in the Admin Hub.

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