We are using our internal scoring for each item but for each, we have an ETA in order to calculate the development estimation.
In functional items, there is no challenge and easily we can communicate with teams, But when it comes to cross-functional items we are adding X days which it's a sum up of effort from different teams.
The question is, How we can separate them in order to manage it easier when we are planning for a quarter we will see only effort and development estimations related to a function in a cross-functional project.
Hi Erfan,
I would first suggest to create a new select field, called Category (for example) and give it two options.
Then you classify each idea under this category.
From there you have two ways to separate them:
Within a view:
Create a group based on this field
In separate views:
Create a view with a filter on one option, and another view, with a filter on the other option;
Thanks for your reply @Hermance NDounga
Actually, already have this X-Functional and Functional but let me elaborate on the problem:
We have "Project A" there will be 4 teams will be involved.
Team 1 -> 5 Days Effort
Team 2 -> 3 Days Effort
Team 3 -> 3 Days Effort
Team 4 -> 3 Days Effort
Right now if we wanna manage it should be 5 columns, 4 for each team and one to sum up all days. But imagine the team wanna update it and we need to do everything manually, Sum up the total, and update...
Also consider there is only 4 functions and it will be a little make sense to have 5 columns but the problem is we have more than 4 functions in our company and in this case we need to have a lot of columns for team and it will not be manageable easily and also will have a bad look when we will have +10 columns for our teams...
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