Feature request to be able to change field type in Jira Product Discovery

September 26, 2024

Can you please enable to change field type when setting up custom fields in Jira product discovery and testing them. 


I understand that changing field types isn't as simple as flipping a switch. There are some considerations:

  • Data integrity: Changing from one field type to another could potentially affect existing data. It would be great if the system could offer suggestions on how to handle the conversion (e.g., how to convert text to numbers, or how to deal with incompatible data).
  • Validation: Perhaps we could have a preview of how the data would look after the change, with warnings about any data that might be affected or lost.
  • Change history: Keeping a log of field type changes would be helpful for tracking and auditing purposes.
  • User permissions: Maybe this could be a feature limited to project admins to prevent accidental changes.

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Dave Mathijs
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September 26, 2024

Hi @JUDY EDMONDS I'm afraid this will never get implemented because after all these years, it still isn't possible with custom fields in Jira. And I understand it for the first reason you mentioned, namely data integrity. There will always be limitations or data loss when changing one field type to another.

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