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Feature Request: Contributor Role - Edit Own Created Ideas

JUDY EDMONDS September 23, 2024

Summary: Request to enable contributors in Jira Product Discovery to continue to be able to create new ideas and edit only their own ideas, without the ability to modify or delete ideas created by others.

I can currently create a new contributor role to give edit access but I want to restrict this to only their created ideas.

User Story – Innovation Manager

As an Innovation Manager using Jira Product Discovery, I want contributors to be able to create and edit their own ideas, so that submissions that need to be updated or refined - following review - can be done by the contributor themself, allowing for a smoother workflow and avoiding the need for pulling in a Creator to edit, external tools, or manual steps, which could be perceived as diminishing to a degree the collaborative value of Jira Product Discovery.

It just seems like a gap - why would contributors not be able to edit their own idea, like I can edit my posts here (-:).


User Story - Contributor: As a Contributor in Jira Product Discovery, I want to be able to create new ideas and edit only the ideas I have created, so that I can participate in the idea generation process without impacting the work of others. ________________________________________

Acceptance Criteria:

1. Create Ideas: A Contributor should continue to be able to create a new idea using the blue button / other intake options or by quick add.

Upon creation, the idea is linked to the Contributor's account as the owner.

Acceptance Criteria:

1. Edit Own Ideas: Contributors can create new ideas and edit only the ideas they have submitted.

Contributors cannot edit or delete ideas submitted by other users.

2. Workflow Control:

Admins can define specific workflow statuses (e.g., "Draft," "Under Review") where contributors are allowed to edit their ideas.

Once an idea moves beyond these defined statuses (e.g., "Approved," "In Progress"), contributors lose editing rights to prevent unregulated changes.

Admins retain full control to edit any idea at any stage of the workflow.

3. Permissions: Contributors can view but not edit or delete ideas in statuses where editing is restricted.

An error message or notification will inform contributors if they attempt to edit an idea in a restricted workflow status.


Why This is Valuable:

• Allowing contributors to edit their own ideas within defined workflow stages improves the refinement process, reducing the need for admin intervention.

• By enabling admins to control where in the workflow editing is allowed, the platform prevents uncontrolled changes in more advanced stages, ensuring idea quality and integrity.

• This feature preserves the collaborative nature and workflow efficiency of Jira Product Discovery, minimizing disruptions and maintaining a clear structure for idea progression.

1 answer

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Nick H
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 25, 2024


Thank you very much for your feedback, I'll be sure to share this internally! There is a feature request for this functionality, and I'll add this as a +1 to it.

As I mentioned in the other Community question you sharedJPD feature requests (and bugs) are internal at this time, and not publicly available to follow, watch and vote for like other Atlassian products.

The ticket for reference is JPD-88Ability for contributors to edit their created ideas. Again, we would suggest following along with our Community where engineering and product share our releases and updates.

JUDY EDMONDS September 26, 2024

Thank you @Nick H 

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