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Delivery status display inconsistent for "Done" status category.

Angie Adams May 29, 2024

I have ideas that do not show a delivery status of "Done" even though all of the delivery tickets and their child issues are in a done status category.  How can this be resolved so that done displays consistently?

Below is an example.  It doesn't seem to matter whether the delivery ticket has a release attached to it.  I get different results within the same software project. Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.
product discovery done example.png

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Michael Gardiner May 29, 2024

I had the same question for the Atlassian team. It seems I'm not alone in wanting a single DONE status when all delivery tickets are resolved, regardless of the count. It should the user's choice to show the # breakout or a summary of DONE, not one or the other.

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2024

Hi @Angie Adams we only show “DONE” if it’s only one item. We could also show the "DONE" label if all children are done - just a design decision. but arguable it shows less information then

Angie Adams May 29, 2024

@Tanguy Crusson thank you for the explanation.  It would be nice to have configurable options, but it's definitely not top on my list.  I'm happy to understand the distinction so I can properly interpret it.

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