Update for anyone on the Jira Product Discovery beta program

Hi everyone,

First off: If you are a new customer, please ignore everything on this page! This only applies to customers who are or were part of the beta program.

As we communicated in a previous post, the deadline to move off the beta plan of Jira Product Discovery was August 17th. However, we are extending it for different groups of customers that are still using the beta plan based on special circumstances, and this post is here to clarify what it means for you based on your group.


Group 1: In Jira Product Discovery, you see a banner stating that the beta was extended, with no date mentioned

Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 5.34.29 pm.png

If you are in this group, it’s because we believe you may be blocked from moving to the Standard plan of Jira Product Discovery today because you need a billing feature that is not yet ready for Jira Product Discovery:

  • You already use annual billing for other Atlassian products. 
  • You already pay for other Atlassian products via an Atlassian Solution Partner.

If that is the case, then please await further instructions from us: we’ll let you know when you can do the move. If that is not the case, you are welcome to move to the Free or Standard plan now.


Group 2: In Jira Product Discovery, you see a banner stating that the beta was extended until September 1st

Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 5.40.15 pm.pngIf you are in this group, the deadline to move to a Free or Standard plan of Jira Product Discovery was August 17th.

You may have received an email from us last week with the subject line ‘Your Jira Product Discovery beta plan has been extended (free). Unfortunately this email was mistakenly sent to a large segment of Jira Product Discovery customers rather than just group 1. We will send a correction email but consider this community post a big fat sorry from myself and the team: we know you have enough on your plates without receiving unnecessary emails that cause confusion.

To ensure no one gets blocked from using Jira Product Discovery as a result of this email, we have extended the deadline to move to Free or Standard plans to September 1st for this group. Please move to a Free or Standard plan before September 1st by following these instructions


Group 3: If you are already on the Free or Standard plan of Jira Product Discovery

If you don’t see any banner, it means you’ve already moved out of the beta. No action is required on your part, your data is unaffected, and everything will keep working as expected. 

Like group 2 you may also have received an incorrect email from us last week with the subject line ‘Your Jira Product Discovery beta plan has been extended (free). I want to reiterate my apologies above for any confusion this may have caused.


 If you have any questions, you can contact our team anytime here.

And again, sincere apologies for the confusion we’ve introduced with this email: we appreciate our beta customers immensely who helped make the product what it is today.

Thanks for your understanding,
The Jira Product Discovery team.



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