Possible to disable feature state sync and rely on Jira?

Nigel Jewell July 3, 2023


We currently have feature states syncing bidirectionally between Jira Software and Jira Align.  In the most part it works fine, apart from the cases in which someone edits the state in Jira Align and the Jira Software workflow is expecting something more controlled, such as state going A->B->C when Jira Align tries to go A->C.

I could edit the workflow in Jira Software in order to make it play nicer with Jira Align, but I was wondering if it's possible to disable the state updates completely in Jira Align?  It seems that the setting "Allow feature state sync from Jira Align to Jira" leaves the control functional, and that's not quite what is required.

Alternative suggestions welcome of course!



2 answers

1 vote
Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 3, 2023

Yes, it is possible to configure the connector such that Feature States will only sync from Jira to Jira Align and not bidirectionally.Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 9.39.59 AM.png

Nigel Jewell July 5, 2023

Yes, I'm aware of that option but it doesn't quite do what I need.  It still allows state to be updated in Jira Align which means that the two may never be in sync.

Allan Maxwell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 5, 2023

The Team Role matrix indicates that you can control who updates the state of Stories, but I do not see anyway to control who can update the state of Features.  

0 votes
Ahmet Kilic
July 3, 2023

Hi Nigel,


I undestand from your description that you want to disable "status" change from Jira Align to Jira, is it correct? If yes:


Solution proposal 1 would be the same as Allan:

- Open up Jira Settings

- Find "Allow feature state sync" --> Select "Jira Align to Jira"


Solution proposal 2 could be not mapping the statuses. (Not tried but it should work) This is only the direction from JA to Jira.

- Open up Jira Settings

- Find Manage Projects

- Don't map the Status mapping or Map partially as you desired.


I hope, it helps!


Warm regards,

Ahmet Kilic

Enterprise Agility Consultant at catworkx

Nigel Jewell July 5, 2023

Thanks for your reply.


The first option still allows for the state to be updated in Align, and therefore the two get out of sync.


The second option is an interesting idea, but then I still think it will suffer from the same issue.

Ahmet Kilic
July 5, 2023

Nigel, you should have to have a sandbox to try this at least. This can stop the syncing from JA to Jira Software, as you desired. So that no tricky is needed in workflow in Jira Software.

I caution you syncing from Jira Software to JA must go on, otherwise, the solution and portfolio layer will not be worked appropriately.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.



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