Looking for a list of stories associated with an Initiative

Ann Bouvier
February 4, 2020

I have an initiative with multiple features under it, and then under each feature I have multiple stories assigned to many different teams.  I am looking to get a list of ALL stories in my project for the initiative.


I would also like to know how I could do this in Jira with a query.

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Shawn Kessler
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2020

@Ann Bouvier Have you tried using the Work Tree?


You can get a drill down list of all features and stories under your target initiative. Top Down View from Epic and Team View should work for you.

Ann Bouvier
February 4, 2020

what about see just my teams stories.  Not ALL stories under the initiative?

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Shawn Kessler
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2020

On the Work Tree page, click the Extra Configs button (top right) and select Team View, and then the Apply button.

Now you are in Team View.

Next click the Advanced Configuration icon (the gear icon) in the Config bar (top of page). Set the Group Layer to Team, and then select the team or teams you want to see work items for in the Team field.

You will still see the initiatives and features for each team, but you can drill down to see the list of stories under each.

Hope this helps.



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Shawn Kessler
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2020

Another option is to go to Stories page, and then click the Apply Filters button and select Team as the filter. 


Select your team to use as a filter, and then click the Filter button. 

team 2.png

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Shawn Kessler
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2020

One more option you may want to try. Go to the Reports menu and search for the Story Audit report and select it.

In the report, select the Extra Configs button (top right) and then select a target team from the Team field and click Apply


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Tina Behers
Community Leader
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February 14, 2020

@Ann Bouvier  as an alernate to report views...

If you only want a list of all stories for an initiative (Epic) 

Navigate to Team- Stories (Story Grid View)

Apply filter - Epic = (the name of your epic - circled in yellow)  This view shows all stories for my selected epic for all teams in the program I have selected.

Story by Epic.PNG


To filter by Epic and Team - 

from the Story grid view - select Apply Filters - select Team = (your team name) and epic = (your epic name) (note the filters circled in yellow. 


Story by epic by team.PNG

This will give you a view of everything, not just items for a team in a particular PI. 

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