Jira Align Standard vs Jira Align Enterprise

Roman Mural
September 13, 2023

What is the global difference between Jira Align Standard and Jira Align Enterprise?

What is the global difference? Can you please tell me whether it is worth taking Jira Align?

Explain the difference between these items:
Epic Financials
Value Engineering
Visioning & Ideation
Lean Canvas
Enhancement Portal
Mind Maps
Program Meetings
Advanced Kanban
Transformation Management
Portolio & Epic Balancing
Portfolio Financials
Portfolio Meetings
Invest Horizons
Value Streams
Bottom-up Forecasting
Resource Management
Skills Management
Pro & Enterprise Reports Pack
Included Team Tool Connectors
Org Structures
Product Rooms
Portfolio Rooms
Strategy Rooms
Maturity Assessments
Results Trending

That's the difference between Jira Align Standard and Jira Align Enterprise, maybe someone can explain the difference in more detail?

I will be very grateful!


2 answers

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Tina Behers September 18, 2023



The short answer is: Standard does not all for the use of strategy, portfolio financials, forecasting, Resource management, Product management, and more advanced transformation support... Easy way to consider "standard" is it supports what SAFe refers to as "Essential Safe" for work management only. 


Epic Financials. - The budget, forecast and actual spend for a portfolio epic 

Value Engineering

Visioning & Ideation - Vision - company, portfolio or product vision creation -  Ideation - portal to collect ideas or bugs


Lean Canvas - 1 page business/portfolio plan 

Enhancement Portal - see ideation above 

Mind Maps -  Jira Align has built in mid maps for visually creating WBS/backlog 

Program Meetings - Do not exist

Advanced Kanban - Full kanban capabilitlies in Jira Align

Transformation Management - ability to manage your transformation plans, learning, knowledge articles and standards in Jira Align

Portolio & Epic Balancing - a report used to balance the value & spend across Epics within a single portfolio 

Portfolio Financials - Financial plan, forecast & actuals for a portfolio 

Portfolio Meetings - Do not exist 

Invest Horizons - time boundary for investment (i.e. 1 year, 6 moths, 3 months, etc.) 

Value Streams

Bottom-up Forecasting - A foreacsting method available in Jira Align that build from the indidviual & team level.

Resource Management - a process to ensure you have the needed people to do work.. or meet business objectives. 

Skills Management ability toi have userrs selct their skills froma set list and rank their skill level..

Pro & Enterprise Reports Pack - Advanced reports for portfolio, strategy, product and enterprise management across execution, resources and financials 

Included Team Tool Connectors - Standrad allows connection to 1 and only 1 instance of Jira - enterprise allows you to connect to multiple Jira instances to roll up information. 


Capabilities - a work object in a "Full SAFE' WBS

Goals - intermediate goals towards progress on a strategic item

Strategies - Comapny strategy....  

Products - the thing your company builds and sells for revenue

Org Structures - Allows you to mimic your HR reporting organizational structure in Jira align to slice reports by organizational unit. 

Product Rooms - Consolidated view of a specific product or product suite - views span, work execution, dependencies, risks and releases. 

Portfolio Rooms - Consolidated view of a portfolio across Resources, execution, and financials

Strategy Rooms - Consolidated view of the enterprise plan for a specific time period across one or more portfolios. 

Maturity Assessments - Custom assessments that can be run from with in Jira Align to measure your organizations incremental progress in agile practices 

Results Trending - trend reports on work execution, program & team predictability.

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Summer Hogan
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September 15, 2023

Hi @Roman Mural - I don't know about all those features listed above, but there is an Atlassian.com article here that may answer some of your questions. Since your question is so in depth, I would click the "Get in touch" button at the top of the article and get in touch with a product specialist. 

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