Invite others to an estimation poker session in Jira Align

Jamie Power August 16, 2023

Using Jira Align, in the "team" tab there is a tool in the menu called "estimation" that opens up a poker table UI with the fibbonacci effort scoring cards. I can select an interactive effort estimation session, and select which stories to add to a session for estimation, but how do I invite others to the session?

2 answers

1 vote
Shannon Wright
August 16, 2023

Once the estimation game is started, when users who have access go to the Estimation page, they will see the LIVE session going and should be able to  join at that time.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11.05.43 AM.png

0 votes
Steve Sauser
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 23, 2023

@Jamie Power In Align you don't specifically invite individuals.  The team would access the game through Team --> Team Meetings --> Estimations then they would choose the appropriate game under either the Level of Effort Poker or the Level of Value Poker.  



Individuals will need Role toggles of "Team Meetings" and "Estimation" (both found in the Team section of the Role Toggle settings).  

If you don't have access to these settings please work with your Admin for Jira Align to assist.  

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