How do I report off of 1 Sprint within a PI, and see the planned vs actual per teams on that train?

Ann Bouvier
March 13, 2020

How do I report off of 1 Sprint within a PI, and see the planned vs actual per team on that train?

I would like to be able to analyze 1 trains worth of work (multiple teams on the train) for 1 sprint.  And compare each teams planned versus actual.

I have used the Program Increment status report and can drill down to the team.  But how to I get to the sprint.  I want to be able to see all teams on a train, their planned versus actual in some table format.  Is there something out there, and I just don't know how to filter it properly?

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Tina Behers
Community Leader
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March 20, 2020


Assuming you mean you want to report on the sync sprint across multiple teams within the PI. 

Use the M1 report to see each teams Planned V Delivered points, story count, defects (is you integrated BUGS) Objectives completed etc. 

Team->Track->Sprint Metrics (M1) 

Select Train & PI 


Happy Reporting! 

Ann Bouvier
March 26, 2020

Got it, thanks Tina

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