Please can we have custom fields in filters.

Use case

I have a cross cutting initiative I need to track, which is being implemented across multiple programs and themes. The roadmap view is exactly what we need to see for this initiative, but tagging isn't a sensible option as it doesn't limit the tags that can be used, can't be made mandatory etc.

Adding a custom multi dropdown field would make a lot of sense for our use case, but as we can't filter off custom fields in the roadmap view, it's useless.

This is not the only use case I have come across for needing to filter based on custom fields, just the most recent. Please please please can you prioritise a filtering approach more like Jira, which is adaptable enough to suit all use cases.

1 comment

Steve Sauser
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2024

@Natasha Moakes Thank you for the suggestion, I did do some searching in the current suggestions and found a few that may interest you (you should watch and vote for them if they do).  

Additionally if none of these are quite the same request you have I would suggest submitting a Support Ticket so that a new Suggestion can be created.  

Ability to filter work tree by Custom Hierarchy/Room 

Enhancement Request on Jira Align Overall Filtering Design 

Add Custom Hierarchy column to Epics grid 

Status Report: Add custom fields to report and give ability to sort and filter on these fields 

Filtering by custom fields on grids does not work 


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