Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Created Dec 2, 2020, Last active Jan 9, 2025
Atlassian released a security advisory on 3/20/2019. The full advisory is here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/confluence-security-advisory-2019-03-20-966660264.html In a nutshe...
Welcome new group member @Dev Talwalker - Thanks for joining us - please take a moment to introduce yourself!
Happy Thursday all! With the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo gettiing cranked up, my question is - What's your favorite guilty food pleasure to eat at the rodeo? Is it Funnel Cake, deep-f...
Welcome new group members @Tamara Elles and @konay - super exciting that you've joined us! Please take a moment to introduce yourselves.
Happy Thursday everyone! This is usually a Tuesday thing but I've been crazy busy. I finally had a moment to breath and so here we are. Atlassian has several tools and features to help users ...
Welcome new group members @Ben Garcia and @James Gilpin! Thank you both for your active participation in the AUG meeting tonight. Please take a moment to introduce yourselves. ...
Thanks to the host, FlightAware, and the presentors, Ben and Joe (LucidChart). Great meeting other people who use and like the Atlassian product set!
...nd represents the Houston Group. If you take a look at this page, you'll see that we have a chance to quickly skip a step ahead of several other groups by representing our group with a picture t...
Great news, the Houston AUG is meeting in February! Topics: Automation in Jira and Lucidchart Diagramming When: Monday, February 12th at 5pm Where: FlightAware &n...
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to @Rober Rankin, @Veronica Kolstad, and @Shelley_Smith-Woods. You three are hereby designated the founding members of this fine group! Please give yours...
Online hangout, idea exchange, and between-meeting gathering place for all Houston Community members.
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