I'd like to extend a warm welcome to @Rober Rankin, @Veronica Kolstad, and @Shelley_Smith-Woods. You three are hereby designated the founding members of this fine group! Please give yourselves a hand and consider taking a moment to introduce yourself. I'll go first but by no means should my post be considered a template - please be creative!
PS. I'm looking for at least one co-leader for this group. If you're interested or have questions, please let me know - Thanks!
~~Larry Brock
@Rober Rankin, @Veronica Kolstad and @Shelley_Smith-Woods - I'm calling you out! ;-) I'll bring some nice Atlassian swag to the first one who responds to this post. "Let's get this party started!"
I'm late to the party, but excited to be here! I have worked with Atlassian products for the last five years, first at a financial technology firm in NY (JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, and a little bit of Bamboo), and now at an oil & gas company in Houston (JIRA and Confluence). I also used Trello to help plan my wedding!
My free time lately is devoted to fixing up the older house I bought at the end of the year, and getting ready to enter parenthood when our baby arrives in April! Outside of these new hobbies, I enjoy hiking, biking, SCUBA diving, rock climbing, and just being outdoors in general. Unfortunately I don't have @LarryBrock's energy, so outdoor fun is limited to weekends and holidays!
I attended what I believe was the inaugural Houston AUG meetup in early 2018, before life took over and ate up my free time, but I'm excited to get back on the horse and meet everyone!
Congratulations @Veronica Kolstad - you win the "first post!" award. Thank you for a great post and for letting me know I'm not drifting around in this big empty community space all alone. ;-)
I'll do my best to have a special piece of swag for you at the AUG meeting next week (and if not, I'll get it to you ASAP)!