Dear Bitbucket Forge team,
With the EAP, we've got Forge modules to extend the Bitbucket Repository UI (although we are still eagerly waiting to see a module to extend the pull request create page with an own panel or card).
Are you planning to provide Forge modules to extend the Bitbucket Project UI as well?
I think this would allow app developers to provide higher-level features, like aggregated page statistics or project settings.
In general, a "what you are working now and what you plan to build next" would be very useful for us to have.
Thanks you for your consideration.
Thank you @Edmund Munday . Here are my answers to your questions, and some additional wishes:
1. Thanks, a roadmap would be great! This will help us to prioritize and plan ahead.
2. Project side menu with own page and Project settings are the most important ones for us indeed. Besides, it would be great if you can allow extending the repo and project lists with new columns, like it is possible in Bitbucket DC for pull requests (see bitbucket.pull-request.table-column.after).
3. By far the most important extension point for us (that is currently missing) on the repository level is the possibility to extend the Pull Request Create page. Several of our existing DC apps enrich that page with options related to the pull request, e.g. to choose Code Owners, or to specify auto-merge options. A web panel on the Pull Request Create page iscritical for us.
4. Offering a way to add own web cards on the repository detail page on the right would be great as well.
5. Project level events: I think we would be interested in PROJECT_CREATED and PROJECT_DELETED events, as well as for an event when a repository is moved to a new project.
6. We would also appreciate Workspace Settings (beside Project) for global app configurations.
7. A big issue that we currently face in production are the rate limits for apps, because the max. requests per hour are calculated on the USER THAT INSTALLS THE APP, not the current user making the calls. Not sure if this will be still the case with Forge.
8. An extension for the code insight annotations that allows apps to render a custom panel under the code insight panel, e.g. for additional actions like "false positive" or "won't fix", would be also very useful.