Any Rate Limitation Applicable in Bit Bucket Forge App while fetching the data using Bitbucket Api?

Rishabh Gupta August 3, 2024

As the Rate Limitations are mentioned for users based on this Article --

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Hillary Chan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 4, 2024

Hi @Rishabh Gupta , 

Rate limits are applied to Bitbucket Forge Apps.

Requests made using

  • `asUser` will be rate limited against the user using the app
  • `asApp` will be rate limited against the app where each installation of the app into a workspace will have a separate rate limit

The rate limits applied are as described in the page you linked.

Rishabh Gupta August 7, 2024

@Hillary Chan 

The page does not contain any detail about rate limitations for 2.0/workspace APIs

Can you provide details regarding that?

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