what's the deafault admin credentials to access the fisheye Crucible? http://servername :8060/login

Raj Nadarasa
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March 19, 2020

We can access the production site with my credentials but, I cannot access the QA environment..  



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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 30, 2020

Hi there!

The installer requires you to create a password during product setup, therefore there's no default password. If you have the administrator account password, you can access the user administration features at /admin (at the end of your fisheye URL). If you haven't reached out to see if there are other Fisheye / Crucible administrators are your organization (in the IT department for example), now would be a good time to do so.

If it turns out that no-one at your organization has the admin password, you can follow these instructions to reset it. I would just caution to double-check that you're modifying the QA environment instead of the production environment.


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