unable to connect crucible to the Oracle database

Amit Pathak December 6, 2011

Getting the following error while trying to connect to Oracle database in crucible.

The database is not using Unicode. Crucible requires that the database uses a UTF8 encoding to support internalization.

and the following error is shown in logs -

ERROR - Oracle is using collation 'WE8ISO8859P1'

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Richard Gareau
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December 7, 2011

Stop your instance of crucible

In the <fisheye_home>/config.xml

Insert this xml snippet just before the <snippet/> tag


<database type="oracle">
<connection dialect="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" jdbcurl=
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:1521:<orcl>" password="<password>" username="<userid>" maxPoolSize="2
0" minPoolSize="5" driverSource="bundled"/>


Change the values of the jdbcurl password username properties

Save and restart your instance. This won't migrate your data if you were previously using another database but it will allow you to install a brand new crucible instance using Oracle.

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