not enough heap space to run fisheye

thu phan August 31, 2011

i'm trying to install JIRA suite on my local PC for a test run. I've been following the "here be dragon" instranctions to Dragons Stage 4 - Install FishEye and Crucible My machine is a Core Duo 3GHz with 4GB ram. when i run run.bat, i got error that JVM can't get neough heap memory... i just restarted my mchine and i don't think many things is running on it. JIRA not runing. Only MySql is running. Where do i check to reduce the amount of memmory fisheye JVM is trying to get?


Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
Press any key to continue . . .

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thu phan August 31, 2011

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