howto change fisheye database name ?

March 23, 2014

Hi !

I run and administer fisheye 2.10.1. My predecessor set the database to 'fisheye_2101' ...

I am not sure it is a good thing to include version in current active database name... as database schema is going to be upgraded when fisheye gets updated so the name isn't going to reflect the schema version anymore. So before trying and upgrade, I want to revert back to more common name like 'fisheye'. Here is what I did so far:

- stopping fisheye

- copy fisheye_2101 to fisheye (using phpmyadmin)

- Now what ? Do I have to edit config.xml to change to the new database name and start fisheye ? I didn't find anything in the documentation about that.

I tried to change the database reference from the UI but can't save the settings (I can only hit "save and migrate").

Thanks !

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Sven [Dione Technology]
Rising Star
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March 23, 2014

Hi Martin,

I suppose you are using Mysql (Phpmyadmin).

I think the best is to rename directly your DB and change your fisheye config file.

1- stop fisheye

2- rename your db

3- change the reference to the new name in server.xml

4- start fisheye


March 23, 2014

Hi ! I'm using Mysql (I specified it in query meta words but I shoud have mentionned it in the text).

Sven [Dione Technology]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 23, 2014

Did you edit your server.xml to point on your new DB name ? (or ROOT.xml)

N'hésites pas à me contacter !

March 23, 2014

Thank you. I have succeeded with the steps you provided, but I haven't used "RENAME" MySQL statement as warned in am using an earlier version of MySQL)

I did a copy of the database instead !

March 23, 2014

yes, I have updated the file config.xml to the new database name !

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