hide finished code reviews in crucible

Brian Harrington June 11, 2015

A lot of my co-workers who request my input on a code review forget to close it, so it's forever in my outbox. Is there a way to clear these out, short of going around and telling them to close their year-old code reviews?

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 11, 2015

Hi @Brian Harrington,

You can either use the "Send reminder" option to request review author to close it:


or change permission scheme definition and grant yourself "Close" permission to all reviews, so you could close review by yourself.   The latter method seems rather radical, perhaps authors deliberately wanted to keep review open because they still wanted to address some of the comments raised?

Hope that helps, 

Brian Harrington June 13, 2015

Right there's the rub; if they wanted to keep it open for some reason, then I would be "nagging" them to close it, which I don't want to do. However, if I finish one and I know I'm done with it forever, why isn't there an option to hide or archive it somewhere, instead of letting it hang around in my outbox?

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Brian Harrington June 13, 2015

Additionally it seems to cause performance issues, the larger my outbox grows, the longer it takes to load

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