fisheye unable to connect to Git repository

Will Gage May 26, 2017

Brand new to all of this, so maybe biting off a bit...  OH WELL, no fun if you don't try!

Anyway, currently setting up a Git repo on my server.  I can use the Git GUI for Windows to see it is there.  Folder has .git added directory to it.

When I attempt to connect to it via fisheye, I get an error.  Then I began doing some more research and I've come across a question about the Git executable.  Is the executable a binary I need to install on my fisheye server? Where is the best location to install it?  Should I just install the Git server for windows on it? Would it make it easier to get to the path?

Again, I'm not exactly sure where to go here.  Any help would be appreciated.


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Vitalii Petrychuk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2017

It is actually not that complicated to add a repo to FishEye.
There is a page which describes how to add Git repository step by step. Most probably you need to scroll down to Git repositories hosted elsewhere section.

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