Would it be possible to disable syntax highlighting for json files in fisheye?

Amritha Chakkanadan
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July 26, 2018

 It makes big reviews that include jsons unusable due to large amount of data transfers which increase size of the diff 20 times. Moreover, the web browser is barely capable of handling such massive data.


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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 16, 2018

Hi @Amritha Chakkanadan,

We should investigate the root cause of the issue further, since this is unlikely that the syntax highlight is causing the behaviour and disabling it will fix it. At the same time, we need to keep in mind the impact on the end users once the syntax highlight is not available.


Disabling syntax highlight

In Fisheye it is possible to disable syntax highlight for a specific file extension by removing it from the <FishEye home directory>/syntax/filename.map list.

When opening this file, you'll notice the following definition:

"**/*.java" java.def "Java"
"**/*.scala" scala.def "Scala"
"**/*.js" javascript.def "JavaScript/ECMAScript"
"**/*.json" javascript.def
"**/*.as" javascript.def "ActionScript"

To remove json files to be syntax highlighted, please remove the line mentioning json and keep the rest of the file as is. This is how the first lines will be after the update:

"**/*.java" java.def "Java"
"**/*.scala" scala.def "Scala"
"**/*.js" javascript.def "JavaScript/ECMAScript"
"**/*.as" javascript.def "ActionScript"

To make this change persist across upgrades, you can also copy the file in the FISHEYE_INST/syntax directory and update it there.

A restart is required for the change to take effect.



Caterina - Atlassian Support

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