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Verify steps to integrate JIRA and Crucible for inline defect creation and questions

Anthony Galati April 14, 2013

We are integrating the organizations JIRA and CRUCIBLE for inline defect JIRA creation. We have followed the instuctions but want to make sure we are doing everything correctly. Our systems use LDAP authentication and user accounts are managed through LDAP. Crucibles accounts are managed through JIRA which JIRA is managed through LDAP.

  1. Enable Subtasks in JIRA
  2. Enable remote API in Both JIRA and CRUCIBLE
  3. Create an LDAP account to authenticate between JIRA and CRUCIBLE
  4. Make sure the account has JIRA admin access and access to all JIRA projects
  5. Create an application link on both sides using this new account for JIRA and CRUCIBLE
  6. Admin the project in CRUCIBLE and create an application link for each JIRA project that will be reviewed in this CRUCIBLE project.


We have 1 Crucible project setup for each team. Each team has several JIRA projects. Can you setup more than one applicaiton link on a Crucible project?

There was a section for subtasks that ask for a the setup number in a workflow. It is possible for several JIRA projects to have different subtask workflows. Does this have to be maintained per application link per JIRA project per the one CRUCIBLE project?

All of this seems a lot to continually maintain, is there an easier way to do this?

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April 15, 2013

Personally, I would have a one-to-one relationship between Crucible and JIRA projects, and then control team access to the various Crucible projects by utilizing Crucible Groups (in Security Settings) and individual Crucible Permission Schemes to the projects. Your current authentication method will work just fine with this. It's a bit of overhead to setup all the Groups and Permission Schemes, but then fairly simple for an admin to maintain. I think you can have a one-to-many relationship, but I see that as more likely to lead to user confusion and I think it would be more difficult to maintain.

As far as subtasks, I assume you are referring to the fact that Crucible gives you the option to link to a parent JIRA Issue, and then review defects/comments can be one button-clicked to create a JIRA subtask? I know JIRA can have different workflows based on project, but the only easy way I'd see to have different workflows within the same JIRA project is to use a custom Issue type and use conditions or validators. However, I'd see a potential problem getting Crucible to recognize custom JIRA Issue types, so I'm not sure if that will gain you anything there. I've got no good suggestion for this, but would be curious to know what you work out.

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