**URGENT** Need help integrating to LDAP

TONY CROCITTO April 10, 2014

I keep seeing "Error synchronising users: Problem getting the initial LDAP context"

when I click on "Re-Sync" button under "LDAP Authentication settings" for Crucible?

Also, please tell me if this is correct or not

User Filter: (userPrincipalName=${USERNAME})

UID attribute: userPrincipalName

3 answers

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TONY CROCITTO April 27, 2014

This is duplicate of **Urgent**: Need help integrating with LDAP opened by Tushar Shah so you may close this.

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TONY CROCITTO April 20, 2014

This is duplicate of **Urgent**: Need help integrating with LDAP opened by Tushar Shah so you may close this.

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 10, 2014

Ho Tony,

This error suggests FishEye was unable to connect to the LDAP server or it failed to authenticate against it. In the log files there should be full stack trace of this error along with the root cause, can you check it please? Please ensure connection details are correct. If your LDAP server doesn't allow anonymous searches ensure Initial Bind DN and password are correct. Documentation is here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/FISHEYE/LDAP+authentication but if you need further assistance paste the full exception stack trace found in the log, please.

The configuration provided by you seems syntatically correct, but actual values depends obviously on your LDAP directory data structures so I can't validate that.

Kind regards,

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