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Timeout during adding git repo (file protocol)

Michał Wieczorek February 26, 2014

I want to add git repository to fisheye. (fisheye and git installed locally on my windows desktop)

Repository location: file:///E:/GitRepos/test

When I click 'test connection I get (debug mode on):

Exception executing command "C:\Git\bin\git.exe ls-remote -h file:///E:/GitRepos/test" process timed out com.atlassian.utils.process.ProcessTimeoutException: process timed out

Error testing connection.

Error talking to repository: 

at com.atlassian.fisheye.git.GitScmConfig.testConnection(

at com.cenqua.fisheye.RepositoryConfig.testConnection(

at com.atlassian.fisheye.spi.admin.impl.DefaultRepositoryAdminService.testConnectionFor(

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

Connection failed.

But I'm able to execute command "C:\Git\bin\git.exe ls-remote -h file:///E:/GitRepos/test" in console (also as a fisheye service user account).

What do I have to change to add local git repo to fisheye?

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Atlassian Team
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March 3, 2014

Hi Michal,

are you running FishEye as a service, or interactively? If you're running interactively it might be worth checking the console to see if git isn't trying to get some input from the user, and FishEye times out waiting for it to end executing.

Other than that it should be able to index local repositories with the path provided. If you continue having trouble do raise a support request. Include a support zip with debug logs attached as described here.

Michał Wieczorek March 4, 2014

I'm running FishEye as a windows service. Service user has access to git folder.

I'll try to run interactively and then I'll raise a support request.


Michał Wieczorek March 4, 2014

waiting for support request answer

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