The database is not using Unicode Issue

vijay garg
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December 5, 2012


I am trying to configure FishEye/Cricible to use SQL Server 2008 and getting following error:

The database is not using Unicode. FishEye and Crucible require that the database uses a UTF8 encoding to support internalization.

I can not make changes in DB for this. Is there a way so I can run FishEye/Crucible to be compatible with SQL Server 2008 character encoding?


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 5, 2012

Not without rewriting parts of the application. This isn't gospel, it's based on one of the developers here spending a day looking into it and coming back with a strong recommendation that we change the database (we took the opportunity to drop MS-SQL and move to PostGreSQL). I'd raise it with Atlassian directly for an authoritative answer, but I'd highly recommend revisiting the "cannot change database" while you wait.

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