Some merge changesets showing 0 files changed

Michael Nicholas
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May 28, 2021

Using bitbucket git and crucible.  All changes are made on feature branches.  Those branches are then merged to an integration branch, which is merged back to master.

When I try to create a review in Crucible, I do one of two ways: Select all the changesets in the feature branch OR select just the changeset where the feature branch is merged into the integration branch.

These have worked fine for over a hundred reviews of several hundred branches.  Recently I came across an issue where the merge of the feature branch to integration branch in crucible shows 0 files changed so I cannot set up a review.  Looking in git, I can see the changeset has files changed.  The changeset isn't missing completely because it shows the start of the sha-256 in crucible as usual.  It just does not have the actual changes.  I see this on several branches, not all consecutive, with no discernible pattern.

We tried stopping/restarting crucible to make sure it is in sync.

Any ideas?

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