SSO (via Crowd) failed for Crucible(with Fisheye)

段 琳 July 5, 2016

I can use Crowd user (After add directory, groups, users and application on Crowd and Add directory in Crucible) to logon the Crucible, while SSO always failed.Crucible (with Fisheye) and Crowd are all latest versions.


Crowd with JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo successfully logon and SSO with no problem.


My refer:

My config.xml:

<config control-bind="" version="1.0">

    <!-- see example-config.xml and config.xsd for more documentation -->


        <http bind=":8060"/>


    <security allow-anon="false" allow-cru-anon="false">


                <signup enabled="true"/>


        <crowd sso-enabled="true"/>












        <tarball enabled="false" maxFileCount="0"/>

        <security allow-anon="true"/>






2 answers

0 votes
段 琳 July 5, 2016

sorry, still the same SSO failure, what logs should I Provide?

Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 5, 2016


please raise a Support Request (go to and provide a Support Zip as attachment (go to {{FishEye/Crucible Administration > Systems Settings > Atlassian Support Tools > Support Zip}} to generate one).

We will then be able to help you further on the support case.

Caterina - Atlassian Support

段 琳 July 5, 2016

Your message regarding "SSO &#65288;via Crowd&#65289; failed for Crucible&#65288;with Fisheye&#65289;" has been successfully added to the mail queue.

段 琳 July 7, 2016

Any updates?

Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2016


I did not see your case being created in our support system. Could you please try again?


0 votes
Maciej Swinarski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 5, 2016

Please turn on debug on both FishEye/Crucible and Crowd. What are the logs you are seeing when a user with an SSO token is accessing FishEye/Crucible. 

For testing: on the Crowd side please try to disable validating client IP. To do this please go to the Crowd Administration / Session Config and uncheck: Require Consistent Client IP Address.

Please let me know if after this change SSO works in Crucible. If not I would need debug logs from both FishEye/Crucible and Crowd when a user with an SSO token is accessing FishEye/Crucible. 


段 琳 July 13, 2016

Hi, Maciej, it's still a problem, can you help for further investigation?

Maciej Swinarski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2016

Sure, have you created a support ticket?


Jack Nolddor _Sweet Bananas_
October 27, 2016

Same problem for me... I'll configure config.xml in fisheye/crucible
The SSO Domain is set in CROWD and I'm able to use SSO between all products (JIRA, Bitbucket, Confluence, Bamboo,...) however it doesn't work on fisheye.

Any updates??

Maciej Swinarski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 31, 2016

Hi @Jack Nolddor, unfortunately I am unable to help you with this level of information. As advised please:

  • turn on debug logging in FishEye and Crucible 
  • turn on debug logging in Crowd
  • log in to one of the application where SSO is working
  • in the same browser access FishEye and Crucible 
  • create a support ticket with FishEye and Crucible support zip and add Crowd debug logs

This will allow to identify the problem you are facing.

Thank you



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