Perforce file versions in Fisheye

martin wilkinson
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June 3, 2015

We have Perforce linked to JIRA via Fisheye. Fisheye seems to work in Perforce Changelists (even though it sometimes calls them Revisions), but the version (revision) history of a file doesn't seem to be visible from within Fisheye. I wondered if it was hidden away somewhere, or whether Fisheye only "knows" about the Changelist world?

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martin wilkinson
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 25, 2015


Thanks for you reply. As the document describes, I can see the file history in terms of Perforce Changelists (called Revisions in Fisheye, presumably because this is the SVN nomenclature), but not in terms of file revisions/versions.

So in the attached screenshot, I can see the history of file "//freeplay/playHere/anchor.txt" as changelist 1739, 1742, 1743, 1859 etc, but not as revision 1,2,3,4 of the file.

It doesn't look like Fisheye retrieves this information; I just want this confirmed so that I don't waste time looking for it!


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Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 24, 2015

Hi Martin,

Can you try to follow this document in order to view the file history?

Kind regards,
Felipe Kraemer

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