P4Client error due to diacritics

fiha September 25, 2020

We have diacritics (é and è) in some of our filenames in our perforce depot. 

During Fisheye indexing an error is reported:

"Fri Sep 25 20:50:34 GMT+200 2020: Repository paused due to error com.cenqua.fisheye.rep.DbException: com.cenqua.fisheye.perforce.client.P4ClientException: Unable to get file log for //depot/Projects/H2/Sound/sfx/Weapons/shots/V�loce - Fire RR01.wav#1"

A question mark in diamond shape is displayed instead of é.

In SCM details the default charset is set as UTF8.

I am not sure why the p4 client is unable to handle Véloce.

How can we fix this?

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fiha September 25, 2020

I think I fixed it by modifying the charset into Windows-1252 but now I am running into a different problem so can't tell for sure.

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