Monitoring fisheye / crucible license count via the underlying database

Aaron Wyatt November 6, 2014

I have some simple scripts to monitor license count usage on each of our Atlasssian product installs.  However I'm running into problems monitoring  this with our fisheye/crucible install.  I suspect this is an ignorance issue, and not a technical issue.

This is Fisheye / Crucible version 3.5.2 running on a linux vm with a mysql database.

My problem is this:  as users come and go and are added or removed from the ldap groups allowed to login to fisheye / crucible, the associated user account in the database does not seem to change.  The fisheye web ui will show the correct number of users who can access the service, but the database table fisheye.cru_user only ever grows.  It does not seem to reflect the changes to access via ldap.

I can understand why you would want to do this-- regardless of their current access or status at your company you need to associate content they created with them-- but I cannot figure out how to determine (via the database) which of these users still has access and is using up a license.

Any thoughts?

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Aaron Wyatt November 7, 2014

It is configured as you noted-- see attached screen shot.  There is also a user filter that only allows users within three specific groups.  I will also note that in the cru_user table, there are no values in the cru_fisheye_enabled and cru_crucible_endabled fields for any users, despite the fact that they are using both without issue.


I want to reiterate that the web interface show the correct number of users synced from LDAP.  That makes me think there is info somewhere else in the database that denotes if these users are active.


Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 10.06.36 AM.png  

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 6, 2014

Hi Aaron,

I have to admit I didn't have a chance to try this, but I believe they are great changes proposed solution would work.  Basically the problem is that changes to remote LDAP group membership is not reflected in the the crucible database, but you can try to get crucible db synchronised with those.  Try:

  1. setting up scheduled user synchronisation with remote LDAP as explained on the page
  2. ensure " " option is selected 
  3. configure synchronisation to migrate only those groups whose members are allowed to use fisheye/crucible

Now, after every scheduled synchronisation, all new users should be added to crucible database, but users who were removed from ldap or were removed from allowed LDAP groups should be marked as inactive in crucible database.

Just query cru_user table and count values of cru_fisheye_enabled and cru_crucible_enabled columns.

Hope that helps,  

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