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Migrate HSQL db to Mysql

Anvesh Gurudu August 3, 2017

I have installed crucible 4.4.1 and mysql on my server


While migrating from HSQL to MySQL getting following errors:


Dropping existing tables...
Problem running drop script (you may have to manually drop the DB) /app/fecru-4.4.1/sql/MYSQL/schema/drop_105.sql
Database migration failed: com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.CruDBException: Problem running drop script (you may have to manually drop the DB) /app/fecru-4.4.1/sql/MYSQL/schema/drop_105.sql


Database must be in NO_TABLES state, currently NO_DB



Can anyone please help me?




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Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
Rising Star
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August 3, 2017
Anvesh Gurudu August 4, 2017

Yes I am on a supported MySQL version
mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.19, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Atlassian document says use these sql commands to resovle these errors

select * from cru_user_profile where CRU_user_id not in (select CRU_user_id from CRU_user);
delete from cru_user_profile where CRU_user_id not in (select CRU_user_id from CRU_user);

But not sure where is should use these commands? and anything need to be replaced in above commands?
The database connection is successful.
And also, tried below commands from command line,but did not work
./ restore --sql \
--file /app/fecrudata/backup/ \
--dbtype mysql \
--jdbcurl jdbc:mysql://localhost/cucibledb \
--username jirauser \
--password XXXXX

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