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Internet Explorer 8 with Fisheye 3.3

Ludger Peters February 12, 2014

From what i understand starting with 3.3 fisheye will no longer support IE 8, Now i have allot of users that still use Internet explorer 8(one of the reasons we use portal and ie9+ breakes certain things, also some users are stuck in the stone age even though they are programmers) Also on our test systems we only have internet explorer running. So i would like to know what works and what does not work with fisheye 3.3 and IE8

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 12, 2014

Most Atlassian products will be dropping support for IE-8 in new product versions this year I believe.

Whilst this browser will no longer be tested with new versions of FishEye/Crucible we will not be going out of way to break functionality either.

There is no list of known breakages in Ie-8 for FishEye/Crucible 3.3. The best way to know what works/doesn't work is to try it out.

Ludger Peters February 12, 2014

thanks will set up test enviorment. Will post my findings here

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