I'm trying to use the CLI tool, but I'm getting an "Error encoding the request.."

CodeForCoffee June 16, 2014

I'm trying to use the CLI tool, but I'm getting an "Error encoding the request (tried UTF-8), please specify an --encoding parameter" I've tried this with utf_8, ascii, utf_32, utf8. All with the same result.

./crucible.py REVIEW-1 --encoding utf_8

Note I've tried leaving off the --encoding.

2 answers

0 votes
Paul Collins February 7, 2019

I just ran into this after a year using the tool successfully. Manually uploading the diff gave a clue: it would not anchor, and in the revision that Crucible said conflicted there was a funny character near the previous (and the new) changes:

There was an apostrophe encoded in Western MacOS Roman. I changed it to a plain ASCII apostrophe in my local source, made a new diff, and that uploaded and anchored ok

This did not fix the python error, but now I know what to look for and a workaround. Possibly fiddling around with encoding in the source file would have helped.

0 votes
Tom Davies
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2014

Can you please try again without the --encoding parameter, but with a --debug parameter and tell us what the output of the command is?



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