How to change user name in Fisheye after connection to Jira User Directory?

January 17, 2018

Hi guys

In my company we had external Fisheye instance. My job was to connect this instance to Jira using Jira user directory. This part went well.

The issue:
All users in Fisheye had have another user names. My idea was to change user names to the same as on Jira and just change main user directory. So I removed connection to jira and jira user directory and try to manualy rename usernames. However this is not possible now becouse all jira users are still in DB and Fisheye do not allow to change names. Those user do not displays in "Adminisration->Users", they just exist in DB but display nowhere else.

Is there any possible way to delete these users?
Or is any other way to integrate old acount with new names?


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Atlassian Team
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January 19, 2018

Hi Jacek,

There are two articles that may be of interest to you.  The first is FishEye users get disabled after username change in LDAP .  While this deals with LDAP it has instructions that may be of assistance to rework the users in the database.

The second is Renaming users when FishEye/Crucible is using external authentication.

Take a look at these and let us know if this helps.



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