How do I permanently change the sort order for the review dashboard?

Tim Belski
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March 2, 2015

I want to change the review dashboard settings so the reviews are shown newest to oldest by default.  Right now the dashboard shows oldest to newest when I select it. 

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 2, 2015

Hi @Tim Belski,

Just click on the Age column header to change the sort order.  You will notice URL changes between https://CRUCIBLE_HOST/cru/?sort=age&order=desc and https://CRUCIBLE_HOST/cru/?sort=age&order=asc

There is no setting to keep requested order permanently, feel free to raise an enhancement request in project if you think such feature would be usfeful.
Kind regards,

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