How can I update all subversion repository username and passwords

Scott Cowan July 13, 2016

I have 270+ subversion repositories in fisheye.  How can I update the username and password in each of then programmatically?

It looks like I might be able to from the last PUT example at, but I'm not sure what "p4" is.

I'm hoping to PUT something like the first example,

{   "description" : "My old SVN repo",   "enabled" : false,   "svn" : {     "path" : "/amazingapp_old",   "auth" : {       "username" : "newton",     "password" : "apple"     },     "caseSensitive" : true "  } }


Thanks in advance,


2 answers

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Maciej Swinarski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2016

Hi Scott,

To get the list of all your svn repositories use this REST endpoint:

GET https://[fisheye]/rest-service-fecru/admin/repositories?type=svn&limit=500

this will return a list of svn repositories where you can get repository names. Note this is a paged (default 100) response, so you can append the limit parameter to have all the results in one request.


{start: 0,
 limit: 100,
 lastPage: true, 
 size: 30,
 values: [
   {type: "svn",
    name: "someSvnRepo1", 
    storeDiff: true,
    enabled: false,
    svn: {
        url: "https://somesvnrepo1/svn",
        path: "/repo",
        usingBuiltinSymbolicRules: true,
        auth: {username: "user1", password: "pass2"}
   {type: "svn",
    name: "someSvnRepo2", 
    storeDiff: true,
    enabled: false,
    svn: {
        url: "https://somesvnrepo2/svn",
        path: "/repo",
        usingBuiltinSymbolicRules: true,
        auth: {username: "user2", password: "pass2"}

Now you can send a PUT request with just the data that you want to modify (other properties will be left untouched), so you could iterate over the list above and send following requests to update the username and password:

PUT https://[fisheye]/rest-service-fecru/admin/repositories/someSvnRepo1

with the following payload:

    enabled : true,
    svn: {
        auth: {username: "user1", password: "pass2"}

Note, no need to set enabled=true - I have just added it to show the JSON structure of the payload.

The p4 you are referring to is an example of how to update a Perforce repository.

Also note there is a python client that could help you writing this script:

Scott Cowan July 13, 2016

Hi Maciej, That's just the confirmation I needed.  I just updated all my repos.

Thanks a bunch!


0 votes
Marek Parfianowicz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2016

P4 is Perforce repository. 

Scott Cowan July 13, 2016

That makes sense now.  Thanks!

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