How To Create A Review For A Feature Branch In SVN

Lee Theobald
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April 3, 2014

I've created a branch from trunk to work on a new feature. I've done some work & made various commits. I now want to get a review of what I've changed. But I can't for the live of me figure out how to do it!

I've seen in other answers that Atlassian decided not to let you select a branch & use that to generate a review. You have to select individual changes for example. But even that way, I don't get what I'd expect.

So for example, I've attempted to create my review by doing the following to add content:

  1. Filter changeset showing my branch name. This will show me say 5 changes
  2. I add each of these to the review. The very first one is the change where I created my branch from copying my code from trunk into a branch. The rest will be various code changes
  3. Hitting done & seeing what's there.

What I will have in my review at this point is all the code I have created/changed in my review. But in the relevant files, it won't show the lines changed from trunk.

Is there a step I'm missing? Cheers for any input.

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Merlijn Duynstee
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April 17, 2014

Have you tried selecting the "Diffs to last branch point..." option from "Add to Review as:" By default this is set to Diffs, only showing the diff relative to previous commit.

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