From Date and To Date doesn't work in Crucible API reviewService.getCustomFilterReviews()

sam guo September 19, 2017

Here is our scenario: we want to caputre all the review records by using the date range. So I choose to use the reviewService.getCustomFilterReviews(filter,false);

We set project name, from date and to date to the customFilter. But the wired thing is I set date range from 08/01/2017 to 08/02/2017. But it captured the records in March. Is there any limition of the customFilter or it is a defect of the API. By the way we use  fisheye API 4.3.0.




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Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 20, 2017

I think there may be couple of causes for your problem:

  • Review lucene index holds date of last modification for given review so if you set a range between 08/01/2017 and 08/02/2017 it'll look for reviews which have last modification timestamp within given range
  • Custom filter use Lucene indexes thus make sure yours are not corrupted. 
sam guo September 20, 2017

Yes. I just decomplie the codes then I find they use lucen search in this method findIds(Query, idFieldName).
Is there any way that we can avoid this issue or Could you please tell me how to validate the lucene indexes are works? The files which Lucene generated should be on the server, right?


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