Fisheye - Welcome Message and SSL setup

Brad Blondin November 17, 2011

I am running Fisheye Version:2.7.6 Build:20111107234450

Question 1) Has anyone got the Welcome Message to display?

<front-page-message>This is my Welcome Message </front-page-message>

Question 2) Has anyone setup SSL for Fisheye? (without using another application)

I have it running, however I am unable to access the Administration page. I get the following error:

Your request was unable to be processed
You are running release FE2.7.6 (20111107234450 2011-11-08), please report your release number when reporting

Also, I can't seem to disable the normal HTTP page.

<web-server site-url="">
        <http bind=":8070"/>
<ssl keystore="keystore" truststore-password="XXXXXXX" truststore="keystore" keystore-password="XXXXXXX" bind="8433"><proxy-info proxy-host="" proxy-scheme=""/></ssl></web-server>

Any suggestions would be appreciated, Thank you

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Atlassian Team
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November 18, 2011

For Question 2, this has recently been reported as a bug:

The workaround is to manually edit the config.xml file and set the <proxy-info> to an empty element.


You can vote-up the bug

Brad Blondin November 20, 2011

Thank you for the reply.. Yes this fixed my issue with SSL, Thank you.

deleted line: &lt;http bind":8070"/&gt;

edited (From) &lt;proxy-info proxy-host="" proxy-scheme=""/&gt;
(To) &lt;proxy-info/&gt;


0 votes
Brad Blondin November 20, 2011

Update to Question 1)

After playing around with it, I found if you Allow - Global Anonymous Access, then the welcome pages works. however I'd like to have secuirty so that, people need to login before they can see everything!

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