Fisheye/JIRA 5.2.1integration problem

dword December 5, 2012

The steps to reproduce the problem:

h6. prerequisites

* Jira and FishEye are both installed on the same machine (Debian Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64) and the same Java version 1.6.0_31

* No DNS configured so we use IP addresses only

h6. installation steps

# Changed FisEye configuration (config.xml in the instance directory) to <web-server>http bind=machine.ip:8060/>...

# Start FishEye and browse machine.ip:8060

# Using the integration wizard, enter the path to Jira (machine.ip:8080)

# On the same wizard configure user/password to Jira and continue, the link seams to be configure successfully in both applications

# Go to Jira with admin user, Application links : strange message: Application '10' has been upgraded. Click here to Upgrade the Application Link configuration (10 is is the first number of IP address). Clicking the link and the next does nothing

# Go to FishEye, create a project and try to link it to a Jira project. Clicking on Add Link a window pops up with the message Sorry, there are no links available when using anonymous access, check the permission configuration of the remote application. (the create button is grayed out)

I've tried to remove all the links between applications several time, re-installing FishEye without much success. What am I doing wrong?

1 answer

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Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 10, 2012


With regards to this message:

Application '10' has been upgraded. Click here to Upgrade the Application Link configuration

The application link may have gotten messed up in your config.xml.

Although the error mentioned in this KB article is different, could you please follow the steps suggested there to re-do the integration steps from scratch?

After re-creating the Application Link from JIRA side again, please make sure that (from JIRA side):

  • IP Patterns field on Outgoing Authentication has the IP addresses of your Fisheye / Crucible instance, one per line. Please don't use wildcards. Sometimes the real IP is also needed (instead of only).
  • IP Patterns field on Incoming Authentication has the IP addresses of your JIRA instance, one per line. Please don't use wildcards. Sometimes the real IP is also needed (instead of only).
  • URL Patterns field on Incoming Authentication has these entries:

With regards to this message:

Sorry, there are no links available when using anonymous access, check the permission configuration of the remote application.

This message is misleading most of the times, hiding the real problem. Sometimes it's displayed because a specific IP is missing in Incoming Authentication or maybe in Outgoing Authentication. The missing IP is usually reported in JIRA logs or in FishEye logs.

Please try this suggestions and, if the problem persists, please create a support ticket.

Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Support

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