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FishEye Oracle DB Support for 18C/19C

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October 22, 2019

The latest revision of FishEye (4.7) says that it supports Oracle 12C database.  Has anybody tested against a 18C/19C Oracle DB?


JIRA 8.4 and higher supports Oracle 18C/19C, so we are hoping Atlassian would be matching that support in FishEye relatively soon.

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April 28, 2020

Recently I migrated Jira to 18c and it's working great.  I figured I would do Fisheye/Crucible next.  Despite the lack of official support, seeing as how 18c is basically 12cR2 with some extra marketing fluff (higher numbers are better! yay!) I figured it'd likely work.

Unfortunately when I try to use the Oracle DB, the connection test fails with this:

com.cenqua.crucible.hibernate.CruDBException: Unknown DB Version: Version table exists but the version is not set. Couldn't connect to the database


Various other Atlassian products have been gaining official support for 18c lately, so hopefully Fisheye is somewhere on that to-do list.  My suggestion to anyone wanting this is to go vote on this issue.

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