Deleting a FishEye user

boerh (AC) February 25, 2014

I have a license to create 50 FishEye users and am running into this limit currently. I can't create a new user without deleting an existing user. There are a number of users that are not active anymore and that I'd like to de-activate. However, there is no such functionality in FishEye. I don't know what will happen if I delete a user. Will the user information get lost in for example code reviews or code commits? I can't find any information in the FishEye documentation about this. Please advise.

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2014

Hi Hugo,

It's documented in this is pretty common practice for customers to delete unused FishEye users to make room for new ones without extending the licence. You can safely rely on this and rest assured this won't cause any issues.

Hope that helps,

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Jeff Thomas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 25, 2014


I just deleted a user on my test system to see what would happen. I have both Fisheye and Crucible.

If you have Crucible and the user is involved in any reviews, they still still show up in the review, but as a deleted user. Their name will appear as "Name (deleted user)". All comments and reviews were still there.

For Fisheye, the commit data still contains the author of the commit, so you'll still see the information in the original commit. The commit just won't be linked to a Fisheye user's account.

Let me know if you'd like to me look at anything else.



boerh (AC) March 4, 2014

Thanks Jeff for your quick response. So, if a user gets deleted the commit data still contains the author name and for reviews the user name will also still be there. That's reassuring.

Do you know of any other placed in FishEye and Crucible where deleting a user could lead to issues/data loss? I don't have a test environment readily available and if I did I wouldn't know what exactly to check. Commits and reviews are the most important part but maybe there are other places that need to be checked?



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