Crucible works only locally and not able to access it thru the hostname

Bhagiradhi March 1, 2020

Trying to set up another instance of crucible and after upgrading and restoring the db.

started the crucible service and crucible only comes up as localhost.Not able to access the crucible web page thru server hostname.

Can some one please help or guide.

1 answer

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Bhagiradhi March 1, 2020

Resolved it.

Snorre Selmer March 3, 2020

That's good, but it could help others who come in later if you posted what you did to diagnose the issue, and what you did to solve it? ;)

Bhagiradhi March 3, 2020

Hi Selmer,


thanks for getting back the bind in the config had localhost;port - i removed localhost and restarted the instance .seem to come up fine. 

Snorre Selmer March 3, 2020

Suspected as much. :)

Seems a port-bind of "" or "localhost:xxxx" isn't all that uncommon.

I'm guessing it's to prevent the server from possibly being exposed to the internet before it's configured properly.

Changing it to just ":xxxx" should solve it, as you found out.

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