Crucible process doesn't start

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December 10, 2013

Hi, when installing and running for the first time it seems like the process is failing, after aprox 10 min the following output is generated on fisheye.log and the java process dies unexpectedly.


2013-12-11 14:15:20,246 INFO [main ] fisheye BaseCommand-setupLogging - Using log4j configuration file: /home/kenny/fecru-3.2.2/log4j.xml

2013-12-11 14:15:21,095 INFO[main ] fisheye BaseCommand-handleCommonArguments - FishEye arguments: []

2013-12-11 14:15:21,139 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-sysinfo - FishEye/Crucible 3.2.2 (20131211051531), Built on 2013-12-11

2013-12-11 14:15:21,144 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-sysinfo - Logging started (Oracle Corporation|22.0-b10|/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre|Linux|arm|3.10.18-1-ARCH+|maxmem=1011MB)

2013-12-11 14:15:21,340 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - This program contains InfinityDB Version 3.0.21 2013.08.04_07.20 Deployment edition

2013-12-11 14:15:21,343 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - See Boiler Bay Inc

2013-12-11 14:15:21,345 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - InfinityDB is Copyight (C) 2001-2013 Roger L. Deran, all rights reserved.

2013-12-11 14:15:21,348 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - InfinityDB has been Licensed to Atlassian

2013-12-11 14:15:21,351 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - for distribution in FishEye and Crucible.

2013-12-11 14:15:21,353 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - Atlassian Pty Ltd (ABN 53 102 443 916)

2013-12-11 14:15:21,356 INFO[main ] fisheye InfinityDbUtil-logLicensingMessage - of 341 George St., Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 Australia

2013-12-11 14:15:30,592 INFO[main ] fisheye DefaultUpgradeManager-<init> - UpgradeManager started.

2013-12-11 14:15:32,868 INFO[main ] fisheye RootConfig-load - loading config from file: /home/kenny/instance/config.xml

2013-12-11 14:15:45,181 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,184 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - =======================================================

2013-12-11 14:15:45,187 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,223 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - Welcome to Crucible!

2013-12-11 14:15:45,227 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,229 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - You need to configure an admin password and enter your

2013-12-11 14:15:45,232 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - license key. You can do this by accessing FishEye through

2013-12-11 14:15:45,234 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - a web browser, once the server has started:

2013-12-11 14:15:45,237 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,380 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - http://blood-heat:8060

2013-12-11 14:15:45,383 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,386 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - Refer to the Crucible administration guide

2013-12-11 14:15:45,388 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - for more information:

2013-12-11 14:15:45,391 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,393 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,397 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,399 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - =======================================================

2013-12-11 14:15:45,402 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense -

2013-12-11 14:15:45,584 INFO[main ] fisheye Run-loadAndLogLicense - Your Server ID is BSIF-JYYP-G82G-YK3M

2013-12-11 14:15:54,389 INFO[main ] fisheye WebServer-<init> - Adding secondary content dir of /home/kenny/instance/content

2013-12-11 14:15:54,738 INFO[main ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server Server-doStart - jetty-8.1.10.v20130312

2013-12-11 14:16:22,274 INFO [main ] / ContextHandler$Context-log - Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext

2 answers

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Piotr Swiecicki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 11, 2013

Hi Andres,

Seems like it is running out of the resources, thus 10 minute delay before you see anything reported and final crash most likely. I have noticed you run it on arm architecture with maxmem=1011MB limit.

Can you grep the logs for "JVM input args" and let me know what is your server spec? cat /proc/meminfo and cat /proc/cpuinfo would do.


0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 11, 2013

I just downloaded and started fisheye 3.2.2 without any issues.

Do you not see anything beyond: "Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext" ?

Can you send the java process a kill -3 and post the result here ?

Use jps -v to get the fisheye process id, then issue:

kill -3 <proccess id>

The thread dump will be in your logs.



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